NC Unemployment Lawyers Representing Claimants at Appeal Hearings Before the Division of Employment Security
Representing Claimants at Unemployment Hearings before the North Carolina Department of Commerce, Division of Employment Security.
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When I got hurt on the job following an accident, the employer had me to take a post accident drug test. When I took the test, they claimed I failed. And so they fired me for supposedly violating the company’s drug policy. But I had never done drugs before. So, I asked to see the results, but they wouldn’t give me a copy. When I asked what I tested positive for, they couldn’t tell me. I asked to be retested, but they wouldn’t allow me. Til this day, I’m convinced that they were just trying to get rid of me because I had an accident. Anyway, when I applied for unemployment I got denied. I had never had to file for unemployment before, so I didn’t really know what to do. So, I call Appeal the Decision. Anyway, they helped me with hearing and helped me when my appeal. And I’m so thankful because a few days before my hearing I had got eviction notice. Anyway, with the money I received a was able to get caught up. Anyway, they did an excellent job for me and I’m just so thankful to them taking my case.
NC Unemployment Lawyers Representing Claimants at Appeal Hearings Before the Division of Employment Security